Saturday, July 12, 2014

Different Types of Well Pumps and Their Uses

Wells and the pumps that bring the water to the surface are fascinating and high-output investments that do a great deal for your energy consumption, your utility bills, and your health. However because of the incredible diversity of the terrains and water tables and types we face, there are many differing strategies on how to bring the water from the ground to your home.

If you live in a region with a low water table, meaning that you are not too close to a body of water or underground source and will have to dig quite far to reach pay water! But if you live in a reasonably high water table area, you may find that getting the hole dug is half the battle, and the other half is the proper use and implementation of your water depending on your unique requirements.

Shallow well pumping is often done by what's called a jet pump. A jet pump is similar to a long straw which uses suction to bring water up from these relatively short heights. Jet pumps generally taper off in effectiveness after 25 feet, at which point you would have to dig a deeper well and initiate a more effective pumping system to carry the water up a greater height.

The next step for deep wells is what is called a double jet pump. A double jet pump is not all that dissimilar from a jet pump except that it uses two points of suction to create two pressurized vacuums to lift the water a greater height, usually at a faster velocity. The second jet would usually be placed at the bottom of the water in order to create two separate vacuums to process the water.
Any pump in the water itself is called a submersible pump, and it works a little harder by pushing water up from the bottom, but it means less force than a pump which would lift water up from the bottom. Like anyone moving a piano knows, it's always easiest to lift from the bottom instead of dangling over it hoping to support the weight.

Every well and pump has a situation and place, but it's best to let a well and pump professional survey your property and make recommendations as to how best to pump your water out from the ground. Knowing how and where to pump makes the whole situation easier, cheaper, and more energy efficient.

Triple a Pump and well is a family owned company that has been providing high quality well pumps and well pump installation for decades. If you live in McHenry, Lake, or Cook County Illinois call us for all your water well servicing needs.

Posted By: The Well Man

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